Skyjems News

Birthstones Part 2: Origins of Western Birthstone Lists - From Biblical to Traditional

Birthstones Part 2: Origins of Western Birthsto...

By Yaĝé Enigmus   Today in contemporary western markets, gem dealers and private jewellers often mention ‘birthstones’ when asked for help in choosing a stone to gift or have made into...

Birthstones Part 2: Origins of Western Birthsto...

By Yaĝé Enigmus   Today in contemporary western markets, gem dealers and private jewellers often mention ‘birthstones’ when asked for help in choosing a stone to gift or have made into...

New Videos! Investing in Gemstones

Thinking about investing in gems?   In these helpful videos, Skyjems’ David Saad sheds some light on the benefits and risks, what to expect, and how to get started.  ...

New Videos! Investing in Gemstones

Thinking about investing in gems?   In these helpful videos, Skyjems’ David Saad sheds some light on the benefits and risks, what to expect, and how to get started.  ...

Birthstones Part 1: What are Birthstones?

Birthstones Part 1: What are Birthstones?

 By Yaĝé Enigmus When giving the gift of a gemstone or custom gemstone jewellery, it can sometimes take a bit of thought to pick the right stone, especially if the...

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Birthstones Part 1: What are Birthstones?

 By Yaĝé Enigmus When giving the gift of a gemstone or custom gemstone jewellery, it can sometimes take a bit of thought to pick the right stone, especially if the...

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Skyjems Virtual World Tour: India and Myanmar (Burma)

Skyjems Virtual World Tour: India and Myanmar (...

Alexandrite and Star Ruby Await in India!Photo by Varshesh Joshi on Unsplash Gorgeous Sapphires, Rubies and Jadeite from Myanmar!Photo by Mg Cthu on Unsplash WELCOME TO INDIA AND MYANMAR (BURMA)!...

Skyjems Virtual World Tour: India and Myanmar (...

Alexandrite and Star Ruby Await in India!Photo by Varshesh Joshi on Unsplash Gorgeous Sapphires, Rubies and Jadeite from Myanmar!Photo by Mg Cthu on Unsplash WELCOME TO INDIA AND MYANMAR (BURMA)!...

Skyjems Virtual World Tour: Australia and Canada!

Skyjems Virtual World Tour: Australia and Canada!

Australia: Land of Opals!Photo by Holger Link on Unsplash Ammolite Abounds in Canada!Photo by Andy Holmes on Unsplash WELCOME TO AUSTRALIA AND CANADA!Just because our travel plans were cancelled, it...

Skyjems Virtual World Tour: Australia and Canada!

Australia: Land of Opals!Photo by Holger Link on Unsplash Ammolite Abounds in Canada!Photo by Andy Holmes on Unsplash WELCOME TO AUSTRALIA AND CANADA!Just because our travel plans were cancelled, it...

Skyjems Virtual World Tour: Colombia!

Skyjems Virtual World Tour: Colombia!

Wander the colourful streets of Cartagena, Colombia!Photo by Ricardo Gomez Angel on Unsplash Visit Colombia, Land of Emeralds! In this week's edition of the Skyjems virtual world tour, we're heading...

Skyjems Virtual World Tour: Colombia!

Wander the colourful streets of Cartagena, Colombia!Photo by Ricardo Gomez Angel on Unsplash Visit Colombia, Land of Emeralds! In this week's edition of the Skyjems virtual world tour, we're heading...