Skyjems News

The Splendour of Spinel, part 2: Types and Treatments

The Splendour of Spinel, part 2: Types and Trea...

Spinel is one of many gemstones for which there are numerous varieties. Just like its cousin corundum, spinel gems can occur in a myriad of different hues Very much like...

The Splendour of Spinel, part 2: Types and Trea...

Spinel is one of many gemstones for which there are numerous varieties. Just like its cousin corundum, spinel gems can occur in a myriad of different hues Very much like...

The Splendour of Spinel, part 1: A Cousin to Corundum

The Splendour of Spinel, part 1: A Cousin to Co...

Species Spinel Chemical Formula MgAl2O4 Mohs Hardness 7.5 - 8 Cleavage None Luster Vitreous to Subadamantine Refractive Index 1.719 - 1.920 Birefringence None Dispersion 0.020 Pleochroism None Specific Gravity 3.58...

The Splendour of Spinel, part 1: A Cousin to Co...

Species Spinel Chemical Formula MgAl2O4 Mohs Hardness 7.5 - 8 Cleavage None Luster Vitreous to Subadamantine Refractive Index 1.719 - 1.920 Birefringence None Dispersion 0.020 Pleochroism None Specific Gravity 3.58...

Jewellery District Walking Tour with David Saad of

Jewellery District Walking Tour with David Saad...

Join David Saad for a free guided walking tour of Toronto's Jewellery District. Learn about Toronto's rich history as a jewellery, diamond and gemstone powerhouse. Location: South Benches Dundas Square, Toronto,...

Jewellery District Walking Tour with David Saad...

Join David Saad for a free guided walking tour of Toronto's Jewellery District. Learn about Toronto's rich history as a jewellery, diamond and gemstone powerhouse. Location: South Benches Dundas Square, Toronto,...

Star Sapphire: A Stellar Corundum

Star Sapphire: A Stellar Corundum

  Species Corundum var. Star Sapphire Chemical Formula Al2O3 w/ TiO4, Fe2O3, and/or FeTiO3 Mohs Hardness 9 Cleavage None Luster Vitreous to Subadamantine,  w/ Silky and/or Metallic Flash Refractive Index...

Star Sapphire: A Stellar Corundum

  Species Corundum var. Star Sapphire Chemical Formula Al2O3 w/ TiO4, Fe2O3, and/or FeTiO3 Mohs Hardness 9 Cleavage None Luster Vitreous to Subadamantine,  w/ Silky and/or Metallic Flash Refractive Index... will be at the Toronto Gem Expo, July 15th-17th, contact for complimentary VIP Entry from Skyjems will be at the Toronto Gem Expo, Jul...

Contact us for complimentary VIP+1 Entry to The Gem Expo ($20 Value) Click the link above or: email More about The Toronto Gem Expo Toronto’s Gem & Jewellery Show July... will be at the Toronto Gem Expo, Jul...

Contact us for complimentary VIP+1 Entry to The Gem Expo ($20 Value) Click the link above or: email More about The Toronto Gem Expo Toronto’s Gem & Jewellery Show July...

The Allure of Aquamarine, part 2 - Legends and Lore

The Allure of Aquamarine, part 2 - Legends and ...

Aquamarine has a long history as a revered gemstone. Blue and colourless beryls are thought to have been known to the Sumerians and Semitic peoples of antiquity, although definitive evidence...

The Allure of Aquamarine, part 2 - Legends and ...

Aquamarine has a long history as a revered gemstone. Blue and colourless beryls are thought to have been known to the Sumerians and Semitic peoples of antiquity, although definitive evidence...